The Autonomous Actor
Currently, the politics group of STEP is
working on a book on autonomy in theatre systems. Using theories ranging from
Bourdieu, Latour, Luhmann to Boltanski and Thévenot, we define autonomy as a
structural property of theatrical fields. From that perspective we study
theatre systems using examples from theatre systems in smaller European
countries to explain how agents in theatrical fields not only are governed by
but also make use of autonomy for their own ends. The book closes with a
discussion of para-theatrical forms to investigate to what extent ‘new’
theatrical practices, such as community theatre and stand-up comedy, warp
theatrical fields and influence their autonomy. The book aims to explain these
concepts for undergraduate students.
A basis for this book has been presented at
the FIRT conference in Munich 2010. In a panel on the PSI conference in Leeds
(June 27-30th, 2012) a more in-depth presentation will be given.